
by Alice Woodrome

Rap! A flash of brown feathers --
Retreat and strike again.
Her mate is perched nearby
And watches as she throws herself
At the reflection she sees in the window.
Strike - retreat - and rap again.

For days the war has not abated.
She flies from window to window
Finding the same intruder ready to do battle.
She courageously attacks.
Rap -- retreat and try again.

She strikes the bird on the beak
And feels the impact of its hard cold body. Rap.
In defense of her home she spends herself,
Growing thin as the frustrating days stretch on.

Rap -- retreat and strike again.
Her mate must know that the enemy is not real.
He can only watch the futile rapping.
As I watch and worry from inside the house.

Rap - rap - and rap again.
Strike -- retreat and rap again.
I've screamed against her stupidity.
But I, too, have fought reflections.