Welcome to page fourteen of a journey through the year 2002 in my garden.
Second Week of May   

More of my white peonies are blooming and the red ones should be open tomorrow.  My purple columbine is blooming now (lower left.)  The Dutch iris are on the wane, but the yellows are still lovely (middle bottom.)The Missouri primrose (in the lower right corner) have begun to open, though some bug seems to like to eat the blossoms.

I watered the garden this morning because we didn't get the good rain I was hoping for.  The regular coreopsis are putting up lots of buds now and will soon join their dwarf cousins, which have been blooming for two weeks. There are still a handfull of my new Asiatic lily bulbs that have not come up. I have them marked, and am keeping track because they are guaranteed to grow and were quite expensive.

I noticed a bud on my white clematis this morning. This year I have them climbing bamboo canes instead of the metal trellis they had last year. I think the metal may have gotten too hot because the clematis suffered terribly in the heat.   


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Columbine yellow Dutch iris Missouri Primrose

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